Chasing Sunsets
Chronicles of our journey together chasing nine-year-olds, sunshine, and sunsets...
5 Years Later
Thanksgiving Mountain Biking in Glendo, Wyoming

Makeda and the Tooth Fairy

My favorite Simret one-liner so far...
Happy 1st Makeda Day!
Dearest Makeda~
One year ago today our worlds united in Ethiopia and we became family. I can still remember the first time that I saw you as if it were yesterday; you proudly yet anxiously walked down the staircase that led to your room in the orphanage, hand in hand with the head nanny. You wore a beautiful dress (that I wish we could have kept) and the necklace that we sent you months before with your name on it. You were so beautiful and delicate, but your eyes told haunting stories of the past that are too heavy for a little girl to carry alone.
I cannot believe that a year has past since the first time that I looked into those eyes and held held you - it seems like a lifetime ago. In fact, it is often is hard to remember when you weren’t part of our family. It amazes me to think about how much you have grown in the last year - both physically, emotionally, and intellectually. You are talented in so many ways - a master of languages, a natural athlete, and above all - you have the most tender soul that enjoys helping and loving others. You also have a spirit for life and silliness that is unmatched.
I am so proud to be your mother and continue to learn the many life lessons that you are here to teach me. In our short year together, you have taught me: the value of forgiveness of both yourself and others, to pick your battles - because most aren’t worth fighting about, that living and loving someone that is so similar to yourself is hard but so worth it because you end up learning something about yourself, to pee outside without getting it all over your feet or clothes, to get back up after you have fallen, and that it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
I also want to thank you for being patient with me while I learn to parent you and grow to love you more each day. I’m so proud of you in multiple ways and cannot wait to have many more adventures together. Today we celebrate our first year together, cheers to tomorrow and many more...
Love always,
Simret one-liners: Part 1
Lately Simret has been saying the absolute funniest things (we call them Simret's one-liners). Here are a few examples:
"Hey, take it easy Dada"
"Now Keda, all of us women need to listen to Daddy"
"When I get-it-together, I want everyone to be quiet"
"Now Ty I know you were missing me, but my sister is still sleeping"
"Okay Keda, now tell me when your not stinky anymore so that we can play Rapunzel"
"Keda are you listening, Keda are you listening, I'm going to hit you if your not listening to the birds outside"
"Ahhh no one cares"
"You smell like chocolate, I'm going to eat you up Mama"
"Where is my beera?" (when referring to her rootbeer)
"I'm not gonna pee on the floor, I'm gonna pee in my panties"
there is so much more material, until later...
"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."