We Are Back!

I have started a post about our adventures in Ethiopia- but seem to get distracted easily. So, for now I will give you a little upsdate. Simret is doing amazing and loves having a sister- she is struggling with the idea that she has to share everything- but we are working on this. Makeda and Simret are sleeping together- which melts my heart. Makeda seems to be doing as well as can be expected. Lance is already back at work- which sucks. As for me- I'm just trying to learn how to keep up with "twins". One thing that I have learned so far from this journey is that Makeda has a great deal to teach me. So, for now the best I can do is live in the moment, learn as much as I can from this beautiful little girl, and find some alone time to spend with Simret so that she knows how special she still is to me. I'm a lucky girl!


The Roberts said...

you are a lucky girl. You'll do great. what beautiful girls.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!!!!!!
I'm glad to hear you are back and the girls are doing well. I can't wait to see more pictures of them both.


veggiemom said...

Welcome home!!! Love the pic!

Jocelyn said...

I cannot wait to talk..love this picture of such beautiful sisters!!

Sherry said...

They are both so beautiful!!! I'm sure they will develop a very, very close bond. I can't wait to see more pictures and hear all about your trip.

Cottongim Family said...

So glad you are home!!! Love this picture of the girls. What beauties they are. Congrats on your new daughter.

Wild Aurora Moldovanyi said...

which is which?

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."