
Random pictures of our summer so far.
Celebrating Makeda passing court! Simret loves "pain" (this is what she calls champagne).
Cheers to adding to our family!

after Lexi's 5th birthday party.
she LOVES working in the yard.
talking on the phone to her Granny...doesn't she look like a teenager talking on the phone...such attitude.
Playing in the mountains.

eating the ice cream that Granny and Papa made one night in the mountains.

my little fashion diva.
Daycare buddies.
Simret with Woody (her new favorite doll).
another day in the mountains.
nice smile?
upset about a bug that has joined our card game.
Simret and her cousin Isaac.

future blackmail photo (doesn't every parent have a similar picture).

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"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."