Chronicles of our journey together chasing nine-year-olds, sunshine, and sunsets...
Round Number Four???
We didn't pass court AGAIN! We are rescheduled for June 3rd- 2 long weeks away. I'm speechless really. The summer has arrived in Laramie- always a good distraction! (Trying to find the positive- when my heart is breaking...)
Well we had 5 court dates for our daughter so I know how you feel. After the 3rd date was hardest for me. I stayed in bed and cried...then had some wine then sleep then more crying.
Seriously?!?!!! Oh Jill I am SO sorry. I really hope the time flies for you. She really is adorable. I can't wait till you can see for yourself....
Jill, that is so hard. I wish I had better words. We will be thinking of you all!
You have got to be kidding me!!!
Well we had 5 court dates for our daughter so I know how you feel. After the 3rd date was hardest for me. I stayed in bed and cried...then had some wine then sleep then more crying.
So very, very sorry for you and even more so for sweet Makeda.
Jill, I am thinking of you!! Hang in there I know this is SO SO tough!
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