This weekend Colton graduated from high school. All the pictures are on Lance's camera and I will post a few when I download them. We had a party/BBQ to celebrate the big day. My mother came to visit with my nephew Isaac . Simret enjoyed her time with her cousin and her friends that came over for the party. Colton has already left for Germany- to visit some friends that he met when they were on an exchange program here. Then he is off to college- CalPoly. It makes me miss the college days and also makes me realize how old I am.
Simret and her best buddy, Hannah, enjoying the sunshine. Summer is finally here in Laramie!
Simret and Isaac loving on each other.
Makeda's Room
as you can see we have already broken Makeda's room in and have hung our art on the walls.
Simret and Makeda's new art table and doll house (yup it has it's own windmill and solar panels for energy- cleaver little house that I hope to copy the design when we build a place in Panama someday- one can dream right??? :) I had to buy a couple sets of doll families in order to make the family living in this environmentally friendly house a little more diverse...and look a little more like our family.
The finished product minus a few pillows.
Our next court date is this Thursday... so here is to next Thursday!
We did get an update from another family that traveled to Ethiopia last week with some pictures. Makeda sounds like the official orphanage greeter- giving hugs to those that visit. I'm looking forward to getting some of those hugs myself. Cannot wait meet our sweet baby girl.
1 comment:
Good luck Thursday. Can't wait to hear. I love love love your blog header now and the "waiting for summer and Makeda"....ahhh.
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