Happy Mother's Day to Me...

I had an AMAZING Mother's Day! It started with a mountain bike riding date with my husband, followed by playing in the sunshine with my babies, flying kites at the park and building sand castles in our sandbox, then Simret falling asleep on me in the chair swing while snuggling (I miss my baby girl falling asleep on me while I rock her) and ended with a meal prepared by my husband and the most delicious chocolate cake ever prepared by all of my babies. I'm one lucky girl!
Makeda pretending to be "the baby" drinking her bottle while crying - yea I could do without that game...but oh well?
Snuggling with my babies...

the weather was over 60 degrees so Simret saw it as an opportunity to strip down naked and water everything in sight.

our new drive way.
Finally grass in the "naked room". Makeda was so happy to have grass that she rolled around on it like a dog rolling on something fowl.
Last, but certainly not least.... Dylan graduated from college Saturday! We couldn't be prouder of him. He is moving to Boston to go to graduate school and I will miss him like crazy! One down 3 to go...

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"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."