Sweet...sweet sisters...
Just thought that I would write a few things about each of the girls before I forget them.
Simret- is turning into an amazing sister! She lets me know when Makeda is scared and "wants her Mama". She sleeps with Makeda every night "so she's not scared". She asks for blueberries when she doesn't like them - because she knows Makeda does and wants to share them with her. She loves watching movies with her sister. She also enjoys riding bikes with her. Don't get me wrong - she will forget to use her words and hit or push her when she gets frustrated or tired - but overall there has been a HUGE improvement in their relationship. She told me the other day when I took Simret to the store that "I miss Makeda - I love her Mama". However, she also told me that she didn't like her the other day in the car and wondered when "she was going home". Some progress - that is what I hold onto.
-Her language acquisition is truly AMAZING! She has about 30 - 50 words and usually uses sentences rather than just a word here and there. Her first sentence was "I lovin you". Simret's first sentence "I don't yike that". Makeda has learned enough to tell Simret off - however, the same is true for Simret - she has learned enough Amharic to tell Makeda off as well. The funny thing is that Hannah - Simret's other sister - loves to "talk like Makeda" as well.
-Makeda has gotten so much better with the dogs - even took a bath with Chili Pepper the other day and last night walked around the house while with dogs were out - with only a few squeals here and there. She actually woke up this morning and said "Whoosha's? No bite". Asking where the dogs were and letting me know that she knows that they won't hurt her.
-Everytime we go shopping she kisses everything that goes in and out of the cart. When we bought a goldfish for our outside pond the other day she thought we were going to eat it.
kissing an item as it goes into the shopping cart
-She is soooo SWEET to me!!! Anytime that Simret is nasty to me - she blows kisses to me and says "Muahh Mama, muahh"- like she is kissing me. If she is close enough she will hug and kiss me. Also, the other day when our girlfriend Jen hugged Lance - she told them "Mommy and Daddy not Jen" - the girl has my back. She also likes to pair Lance and Simret together - something like "Lance and Simret... Mommy and Makeda". That being said, she has warmed up to Lance and now adores him - which of course makes Simret a bit jealous.
-She loves bananas, coffee, tea, eggs, and about everything else you could think up - except most processed food. She is also not a big meat eater - which works well in our vegetarian family.
1st popsicle
-Her nightmares are getting better... and every time she has one I go in her room to comfort her and she says "Thank you Mama".
- When I ride my bike up a really big hill and she sees I'm struggling - when I have finished she cheers me on "Whoohoo good job Mama".
- She FINALLY got her ears pierced after asking multiple times. It was time - she was putting stickers on her ears - crying every time Simret changed her earrings - trying to pierce them with items around the house (a screw, a fork).
-When she takes care of her babies - it appears that she has done this before (in real life). It also appears that she slept on the ground - as she moves rocks aside when we are in the mountains to make a "bed to sleep in". She also pretends to cook over a fire; she will make a ring of rocks and blow on it and then put a sand-pale on top. She will then go pick weeds, put them in the sand-pale and stir it with the plastic shovel; and then says "eat Mama". She will then go to the creek and wash the baby, sand-pale, and shovel. She amazes me.
Looks like she has done this before?
I could go on - and will - for now I must get back to work (1st day back).
1 comment:
oh my this child sounds like the sweetest thing ever. Love it.
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