Round Number Three

We didn't pass court again today; the same reason as last time- MOWA had a "training" that day so they didn't write our letter for court. In my opinion, MOWA needs to have a training or conference on how to get their shit together. Guess I'm just heartbroken and angry... we did get an update today on Makeda with some new pictures. She is smiling in two of them! She is beautiful... Our new court date is May 19th. Apparently, our paths are meant to cross later than I had hoped for- but since I believe in synchronicity - I do know that they will cross when they are supposed to - not one day before or after. But, that doesn't help my heart that aches each time we have another set-back.


J'Laine said...

Jocelyn Brody Love you.
3 hours ago ·

Nancy Reed McGee So sorry Jill...thinking of you. (Darn that magic 8 ball)
3 hours ago ·

Cora Sobotka so sorry thinking about you guy. and it will all come out ok .
3 hours ago ·

Jillienne Meicher sorry hun. :(
3 hours ago ·

Erica Royer Much love girl! I know its hard but keep the positivity coming and it'll all work out beautifully. Xoxoxo
3 hours ago ·

Erika Katz Prager I am so sorry! Hang in there.
3 hours ago ·

Melissa McCue Martin im so sorry! itll happen soon enough! love ya cant wait to see you
about an hour ago ·

veggiemom said...

So very sorry...

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."