Court tomorrow...

....I have a feeling that if everyone sends positive energy Makeda's way as they sleep tonight (court will be in the middle of the night- Ethiopia is about 9 hours ahead of us) we will pass court! Come on MOWA...please submit your letter to the court tomorrow! So, lets all get together and pray, send positive thoughts to the universe, wish on a eyelash, or whatever it is you do when wishing good-will on another human-being; so that we can bring our baby-girl home soon.

until tomorrow...


veggiemom said...

Definitely sending my good thoughts!!!

J'Laine said...

Emily Pluimer Brown Sending my love and good vibes!
Yesterday at 12:51pm ·

Jeannie Quast Also got my fingers AND toes crossed for extra assurance.
Yesterday at 12:53pm ·

Kacia Bundle Ok, we'll send LOTS of positive beurocratic thoughts towards the courts for Makeda!
Yesterday at 1:02pm ·

Jenna Holland sending you lots of positive energy and love!!
Yesterday at 1:03pm ·

Erika Katz Prager Sending you good vibes!
Yesterday at 1:19pm ·

Jillienne Meicher Good luck! Waiting for pictures!
Yesterday at 1:46pm ·

Lisa said...

YEAH! Vibes being sent. Hope to hear good news and see her pretty face tomorrow.

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."