
Last month we went to Chicago to visit my girlfriend Jen's parents and hometown. It was our first time in Chicago (besides layovers in the airport-which doesn't count). We had a great time- Jen's parents are the best!

It was so much fun seeing where Jen grew up; and striking how different it was from where I grew up. After visiting, I'm quite sure that I was supposed to be FROM Chicago too. How lucky she is to have such a fun place to return when she visits "home". As for me, I have Gillette (no offense to those who still reside in this depressing town with no character). Anyway, Carol & Larry (Jen's parents) graciously packed us all in their vehicle- 6 adults and 2 toddlers and showed us their city as well as their beautiful neighborhood. The girls (Hannah & Simret) were amazing and had such a good time together and with "Nana & Papa". Hannah was so sweet to share her Nana and Papa with Simret. One of Simret's favorite things to do since we have returned from this trip is to pack up her fishing tackle box & her lunch bag and head to "Nana and Papa's". It goes something like this, "goin' to Nana and Papa's see you later". (Just so you know- she does say that she is going to "GrannyPapa's" too sometimes- just don't want my Mom to get her feelings hurt).

Carol and Larry also watched the girls while we ventured out, by train, to a Dave Matthews and Willie Nelson concert; and what an adventure that was. From the train ride itself, which felt like a scene from a movie, to the 2 mile walking adventure to the venue with a liquor store pit-stop for wine along the way (where a girl in the store asked Jen if she could smell her purse and had Jen smelling hers by the time we left- weird?)

The next night we had an amazing meal at this quant Italian restaurant which again made me feel like I was experiencing something out of a movie. It was like we were transported to Italy by driving only a few miles from Jen's house, but on a micro scale. The diversity was refreshing (if you don' know or haven't noticed- I have only visited major cities- never lived in one. In fact, I have never lived in a town larger than 25,000 people).

I really could go on and on about the various adventures we had in our short 3 day stay in Chicago. I hope to return soon, as I'm well aware there is a lot more fun to be had in this great city.
on the plane- milk is Simret's security blanket. I know...I know you are not suppose teach them to self-sooth with food.
She enjoyed opening and closing the window incessantly.
I still LOVE these shoes.
Jen's house growing up and her parents still live there. It has a sunroom off the back (and you know how much I love sunrooms) and is in such a beautiful neighborhood.
Of course we had to work out after a long plane ride while the girls napped.

Lance riding through the woods next to Jen's house. Can you believe we are in Chicago?
Jen running. Isn't it beautiful? It was snowing in Laramie at the time. They actually have a season called Autumn.
A picture of me running. Just in case you don't know...I NEVER run. I dislike running - but thought I might take it up this day for some reason. This picture is a good representation of what my head felt like after only running 10 minutes.
Carol and "the girls" on our arrival to the Aquarium.
Hannah & Simret at the Aquarium

ready for some more adventures...
the city (it was a clouded over day)
the train we took to the Dave show
The picture that turned out the best (yes there were worse) on our walk to the show. Not sure what it is of? Not sure what I was thinking when I took it?
Our second day in the City. Jen and the girls playing ring-around-the-rosie.
"the bean"

Hannah and "the bean"
Lance, Simret, and the Petersons under "the bean"
Hannah & Simret riding the "choo-choo" on the pier downtown.

our tour guide.

the Petersons
the view from the top of the ferris wheel (something Simret slept through)
another view of the city from the top

Simret's most prized possession... her boots. I'm still not sure how she became a cowgirl?


Sherry said...

Love the pictures :) She is so cute! We love Chicago, we try to go there at least every other summer cause there's so much to do.

Jocelyn said...

So glad you had fun! It is a beautiful city that I still call my home! Next time you go, tell me and we will meet you there! You kind of have me homesick now!! Miss you!

Danni and Tommy said...

Thank you for sharing the super cute pics! I love the boots too :)
Next stop, Los Angeles!?
Glad you had such a great time. Much love to you all!

Cedrick Finly said...

Chicago is such a dreamy place. The people are nice and the weather is almost always sunny. It's nice to spend time in that sunroom at your friend's house where you can lounge and share stories.

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."