Steamboat Springs Weekend with our "Laramie Family"

Strawberry Park Hotsprings
Simret walking down the parking lot to the hotsprings.
the place you buy tickets to get into the hotsprings.

the teepee that you change into your swimsuit in.
Makeda standing on the freezing sand changing into her swimsuit wondering what the hell we were doing this for.
urinating in the teepee - sorry for all of you who have changed in there?
view of the hotsprings from the teepee.

licking my hot man.

the hotsprings- could it be more beautiful - when I picture heaven, or hell for that matter, this is the place I want to be.

Simret swimming underwater. She can swim!!!

this picture reminds me of a watercolor

Makeda bathing me.

the view from the hotsprings.

First Down Hill Ski for the Girls....

Simret gearing up
Makeda gearing up
the girls "sisters" on the bus to the mountain.
Simret- the night before "the big day" making sure her gear works correctly.

1st day of ski school - Simret

double trouble... Simret and Makeda LOVED skiing!
As most of you know, Simret will pass out anywhere - but I was quite surprised by this one.

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