Vacation pictures continued...

I have FINALLY added the pictures from my camera from our trip to Costa Rica then on to Panama.
Simret & Dylan in the airplane getting ready to leave Denver to Costa Rica- it was midnight and I was already praying that Simret would sleep some during the flight...

Costa Rica
Simret was so happy to be back on "her beach" again.
The good thing about traveling through the night is that we were on the beach by 10:30AM. Simret did great on the plane and did go to sleep for about 3 hours of the 5 hour flight.
One of the first things that we had to do was visit "the sisters" - friends that Simret made when we were here 3 months ago. They acted surprised to see her again. Simret is the one in the blue.
...our first sunset- just as beautiful as I remembered!
playing with "the sisters" again.

check this outfit out...with another pair of glasses. Accessories are VERY important to Simret.
More fun on the beach watching her brothers.

there were 5 large bon-fires on the beach the night of Ethan's birthday- St. Patrick's Day.
Simret at the fire with one of "the sisters" Nayr.
Ethan's birthday. Simret sang "Happy Birthday" to Ethan at least once a day after this night. She had a small crush on Ethan. Dylan was a bit nervous...
My bike for the week that we road around town with.
Daddy FINALLY came and joined us on vacation!!!

riding on the bike right after a rain.

walking across the boarder between Costa Rica and Panama (a bridge with large holes in it that we had to carry our stuff over- I carried my bags, Simret, and took pictures.
Standing in line - waiting to get into Panama
the line again.
the "boat taxi" that took us to our house over the water.
our house for the week... there wasn't another in visual distance. It was peaceful - only the birds singing and fish jumping.
the deck of our house.
Simret & Lance swimming in front of our house.
Lance took this picture of Simret & I on the raft.
Dylan and Ethan on the boat taxi.
Headed to town for dinner. Colton wished he remembered his rain jacket right about now.
Lance in the rain on the boat.
weathering the weather.
a beer is nice after a good soaking in the rain.
Lance & Colton

the doc at our house.
our canoe
a picture of the water from the porch of our house - just to let you know how many fish there where from minos to barracudas.
Our canoe - carved out of a LARGE tree.
a picture of our house from the canoe.

the corral in front of our house
more corral.

Dinner the last night we were there.
Is this legal? DFS anyone???

Passed out in the airport on the way home - I think we finally wore her out!!!

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"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."