So, our court date is rescheduled to May 7th. Any positive thoughts sent our way that day would be greatly appreciated.
April 27th, 2010
We didn't pass court yesterday. You guessed it, MOWA didn't f##cking submit our letter to approve our adoption because they were at a training yesterday. They need to get it together, in my opinion. It seems ridiculously inefficient to have a judge hear a case- just to be rescheduled because "the letter" wasn't there. Again, it seems obvious to me that they would have "the letter" before scheduling the court date- but again WHAT DO I KNOW? I guess I'm a bit angry...sorry to rant. On a positive note, our coordinator has been nothing but sweet. I absolutely LOVE her and my agency- I may have committed an act that I would have regretted today had I been with my previous agency we used with Simret.
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"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
Oh I'm so sorry....Hoping next time MOWA gets their cr*p together and submits it....
I'm so sorry.
Jeana Orbeck Sturdevant Thinking of you and sending tons of positive energy your way Jill, I can't imagine what you are going through....Just know it's not a walk that you have to walk alone. There are a whole lot of Mommy's pulling for you to bring your baby girl home. Much Love ♥
April 28 at 7:12am ·
Jill Lloyd Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words Jeana.
April 28 at 7:16am ·
Keturah Hunter-Hicks Well put Jeana! Pulling for you Jill!~ p.s love your hair!
April 28 at 7:17am ·
Jeannie Brown Miller I couldnt get thru life without believing that God's timing is perfect. I know not all people feel the same way, but that is the only comfort that I truly find peace in - He knows the why, when and how even when we dont!! Hang in there Jill! : )
April 28 at 7:42am ·
Letha Buller I'm here for ya, Girlfriend. Just say the word.
April 28 at 8:59am ·
Jill Lloyd I'm saying the word Letha... I need a need of wine and good conversation.
April 28 at 9:37am ·
Jeannie Quast I am sending you all the positive thoughts and wishes I have! It will be okay ♥
April 28 at 10:42am ·
Letha Buller Jill~ how about tonight after clinic?
April 28 at 12:28pm ·
Cora Sobotka sorry to hear the bad news. but it will get better .there is tomorrow to start again it will be okay
April 28 at 4:24pm ·
Amber Dawn Banta-Wellborn Praying for you all, Jill!
April 28 at 11:21pm ·
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